Saturday, August 4, 2018

A checklist for building Angular web applications in the correct way

Hey guys, There has not been a  proper resource to have a checklist to make sure that applicaiton is flawless.I decided to write a simple tips on checklist items needed before you deploy your app to production.Following are a few Angular Code Review Checklists useful while doing a peer review of Angular code. Make sure to check these when you are building a production ready application

#1 - Code Modularity  
Layered Code with good Modularity.
#2 - Component per File 
 Each file must not contain more than one Component/Controller, etc.
#3 - Routing
Always configure routing with lazy loading
#4 - Shared Resources at Centralized Location
Store images/language translations under assets
#5 - 3rd Party Libraries 
 If you are integrating with any 3rd party libraries make sure to check for Security Flaws
#6 - Data Security 
Use  Encryption of Sensitive Data 
#7 - Offline Data Security
Consider security if you are storing Data in localstorage or session storage.
#8 - Cookies Data and Handwiring of Secrets
 Security Flaws
#9 - Do not use pipe / functions in the template
Calling function binding in the template will lead to  performance issue
#10 - Change Detection + State Management & Reactive Extensions 
Use RxJS, NgRx/Store (or Redux)
#11 - JavaScript or TypeScript
 Stick to ONE & Avoid Hybrid
#12 - Building/Packaging with WebPack (or similar)
 Bundling, Chunking, Treeshaking, Minification, Uglification, Compression
#13 - ECMAScript Compatibility - ES7 (2016)
#14 - Angular Style Guide (Official Reference) 
#15 - AsyncService 
 Adequate and Appropriate use of it.
#16 - Hierarchical Components, Models, Interfaces, etc. (Inheritance Approach)
#17 - Constants
No-Scattered Hard-Coded constants data but must be at one place.
#18 - Images, Fonts, Other Static Files -
Place them in respective directories and not scattered across.
#19 - TSLint.json 
To follow Angular Style Guide in order to run SonarQube or Codelyzer. Follow
#20 Finally if you need to improve Performance -

Hope it helps all the developers out there.